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Step 1: Introduction to Fractions

This series of Khan Academy videos will illustrate the basics of fractions and how to recognize them.

Step 2: Comparing fractions

Fractions are a part of your everyday life. They appear in pizzas, candy bars, and even gasoline prices!

In this exploration, you will compare fractions with different names.

Step 3: What's in-between?

Now that you know how to compare the sizes of two fractions, you will explore the space in between two fractions.

Are there any fractions bigger than 2/3 but smaller than 3/5? Use this exploration to find out!

Step 4: Making things equal

In this final exploration, you will learn about equivalence. How can you tell if two fractions are equal to each other?

Many people can name a fraction that is equal to 1/2. Can you name some that are equal to 3/5? What about 9/10?


Fraction Fling

Math Playground

Building Bridges.


Try your luck at this fraction game.


Choose your level and match the fractions.


Here is an activity yo help you understand fractions.



Updated March 14, 2017
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