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Step 1: Learn about Percents and Fractions less than one

Study tjis information about percents less than one.

With a partner, use the Percents applet from Math Playground for a challenge with decimals andfractions less than one. Puppy Chase Decimals
Power up your puppy by changing fractions to decimals. Practice this important skill with mixed numbers. Continue with Lesson 1, Percents Less than 1.

Step 2: Put Percents in Order

With a partner, use the Percents applet to try to put some percents in order from least to greatest. Instructioms for a similar Activity.

Step 3: Understanding Sizes of Percents

With a partner, use the Percents applet to explore the percents less than 1 This is a great online activity for 5th and 6th graders. Would you like to create your own sea world? In this game you will be matching percentages with decimals of equivalent value.

Instructions for a similar Activity.

Step 4: Extension Problem

Did you know there are 20 states in the United States that have less than 1% of the US Population each? In this problem, “Estimating Populations of U.S. States,” you will practice your estimation skills as you estimate how many people live in states that have less than 1% of the US population living in them.

To do this problem, you will need to know: 1) how to estimate; 2) how to find a fraction of a number; and 3) how to round off a number. This is a problem for students who love a challenge.

Print out the worksheet for “Estimating Populations of U.S. States.”

Pull up some benchmark numbers that will help you with this problem.

As a fun trivia question, see how many of the 20 states you can name without looking at the answer key!

Here is you homeorkr challenge.