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Step 1: Comparing Ratios

In this exploration, you will learn about ratios by filling the shapes with the. respective ratio of colors.It is a simple introdction to the concept.

Another exploration identified ratios as patterns.

Pull down on the popup window ro expand its size.

Step 2: Making Proportions

In this PBS interactive game, you ll explore how to use ratio and proportion to solve problems. Activities include Sleuths on the Loose -- a mini-game that challenges students to apply what they know about ratio and proportion; a comedy act that uses proportional relationships between parts of the body; and game questions designed to promote proportional reasoning. This resource is part of Dunk Tank!, a math-themed collection that features a combination of video and interactive gaming.

In this exploration you will learn more about how ratios and proportions are related.

Now apply your knowledge to thee game at Dirt Bike Proportions

Step 3: Everyday Proportions

Using proportions can help you solve many types of problems..

In this exploration, you will learn about how using proportions can help you solve speed, size, and money comparison problems.

Step 4: Worksheet

Here are your questions for this lesson. Your teacher may ask you to work on this assignment in class, or it may be a part of your homework.

Step 5: Worksheet

Here is your homework assignment. Your teacher may give you a copy, or you can print it out if you have a printer in your room.



Updated March 14, 2017
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